We will ship Sikuri studio's products Worldwide to your address within 1 or 2 working days.
Our parcels will be delivered with national courier service (pošta Slovenija) which is very reliable and offer package tracking. The minute your order is shipped to your address, you'll receive a 'Shipping conformation' in your inbox.
We believe that you will be very satisfied with your purchase and will love your new Sikuri studio's products. But it's understandable that you can for some reason change your mind or decide to change the size of a product. We will cancel your order and refund your money in 14 days without a problem. Just send us an email to and tell us about your wishes.
Please keep in mind that you shall inform us about your order cancellation in 14 days from the delivery date. After you receive our confirmation email, you have 30 days to send the product back to our address. To be eligible for a return, the product must be unused and in the same condition that you received it from us.
When we receive your returned product we will check it's condition and process a refund if product is unused and in the same condition as we send it to you. It may take 3-5 working days to see the refund on your account.
If you decide for the return, send us an email at and send your items back to our address:
Marko Forte s.p.
Sikuri studio
4224 Gorenja vas
More about refund policy in our Terms & conditions.